Made in Switzerland

Film of the day

Giovanni Segantini - Magie des Lichts
Christian Labhart , 2015 c7.1

Artist, anarchist, drop-out, paperless immigrant: Giovanni Segantini was all of this. He created, usually under the open sky, monumental, idealized alpine landscapes. The film offers insight into his difficult childhood and upbringing, shares his inner processes and crises as a painter, as well as his contradictory dealings with motherly love and eroticism – and ultimately his desperate struggle against death.

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Christoph Schaub, Switzerland 2009, 87' c6.5
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Alfred Rasser, Switzerland 1959, 116' c7.7
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Peter Luisi, Switzerland 2011, 91' c6.8
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Véronique Reymond, Switzerland 2020, 99' c6.8
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Kaleo La Belle, Switzerland 2017, 119' c7.5
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Roman Droux, Switzerland 2019, 92' c7.4
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Anna Thommen, Switzerland 2019, 93'
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Stefan Haupt, Switzerland 2020, 100'
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Mischa Hedinger, Switzerland 2019, 84' c6.5
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Andrea Štaka, Switzerland 2020, 84' c5.6
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Claude Goretta, Switzerland 1977, 102' c7.4
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Thomas Krempke, Switzerland 1981, 100' c6.3
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Silvio Soldini, Italy 2000, 114' c7.3
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Rolf Lyssy, Switzerland 1978, 104' c7.1
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Delphine Lehericey, Switzerland 2019, 90' c6.5
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Eric Bergkraut, Switzerland 2019, 96' c6.3
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Julia Bünter, Switzerland 2019, 80' c6.6
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Samir, Switzerland 2019, 105' c6.8
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Franz Schnyder, Switzerland 1958, 101' c7.2
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Natascha Beller, Switzerland 2019, 89' c5.8
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Niklaus Hilber, Switzerland 2019, 142' c7.5
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Franz Schnyder, Switzerland 1942, 115' c7.1
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Gertrud Pinkus, Germany 1991, 108' c6.3
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Sabine Gisiger, Switzerland 2014, 90' c6.7
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Jean-Stéphane Bron, Switzerland 2017, 110' c7.0
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Xavier Koller, Switzerland 2015, 100' c6.8
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Michael Steiner, Switzerland 2018, 92' c6.6
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Martin Witz, Switzerland 2019, 88' c7.8
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Kurt Früh, Switzerland 1957, 104' c7.4
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Clemens Klopfenstein, Switzerland 1997, 85' c6.4
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Stefan Haupt, Switzerland 2019, 123' c6.7
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Bettina Oberli, Switzerland 2006, 90' c7.0
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Kurt Früh, Switzerland 1959, 90' c6.6
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Barbara Miller, Germany 2018, 97' c7.5
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Petra Volpe, Switzerland 2017, 96' c7.1
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Werner Schweizer, Switzerland 2013, 112' c6.6
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