Wild Rose

Tom Harper, UK, 2019o


Rose-Lynn Harlan, a young Scottish singer, is bursting with raw talent and charisma. Fresh out of jail and with two young kids, all she wants is to get out of Glasgow and travel to Nashville to make it as a country singer. But her mother Marion has had enough of her daughter's wild plans and forces her to get a cleaning job. But then it just so happens that Rose-Lynn finds an unlikely champion in the middle-class lady of the house.

Jessie Buckley is sensational here. A gifted singer-songwriter (she co-wrote most of the songs), her committed performance wrings every drop of raw emotion from her scrappy, flighty rebel in white cowboy boots and an electronic ankle tag. Director Tom Harper wisely stands back and lets his star shine. And she burns up the screen, whether singing or not. Walters and Okonedo offer fine support, while Nicole Taylor’s script is heartfelt and honest, striking few bum notes en route to the crowd-pleasing musical finale. You will cheer. You will cry. You may even tap your toes. The film’s terrific, Buckley remarkable. A star is born? More like a supernova.

Mark Salisbury

"Drei Akkorde und die Wahrheit", hat Country-Legende Harlan Howard das Genre einst in Worte gefasst. Die draufgängerische Sängerin Rose-Lynn trägt sie als Tattoo auf dem Arm. Dabei ist der Sehnsuchtsort Nashville weit entfernt von ihrem Leben: im tristen Glasgow, gerade aus dem Gefängnis entlassen, als Singlemutter zweier Kinder. Zwischen Sozialdrama und Musikfilm erzählt Tom Harper vom großen Traum einer vom Alltag gebeutelten Frau. Fesselnd ist das wegen Hauptdarstellerin Jessie Buckley, die Honky-Tonk-Balladen genauso viel Wahrhaftigkeit verleiht wie Kneipenprügeleien.

Annett Scheffel

Wild Rose, aussi enlevé que drôle et touchant, nous fait passer par toutes les émotions, de l'enthousiasme joyeux lors de ses séquences musicales, aux larmes de crocodiles lors des scènes tendues entre l'héroïne et sa famille.

La Rédaction

L’exemple parfait du film-coup de cœur dont on oublie les évidents défauts pour ne retenir que l’énergie galvanisante et l’interprétation dévastatrice.

Christophe Caron


rogerebert.com, 6/20/2019
All rights reserved rogerebert.com. Provided by rogerebert.com Archiv
vulture.com, 6/20/2019
All rights reserved vulture.com. Provided by vulture.com Archiv
epd Film, 11/21/2019
All rights reserved epd Film. Provided by epd Film Archiv
Der Tagesspiegel, 12/10/2019
All rights reserved Der Tagesspiegel. Provided by Der Tagesspiegel Archiv
La Voix du Nord, 7/15/2019
All rights reserved La Voix du Nord. Provided by La Voix du Nord Archiv
20minutes, 7/16/2019
All rights reserved 20minutes. Provided by 20minutes Archiv
Interview with Jessie Buckley and director Tom Harper
/ Collider
de / 3/18/2019 / 11‘31‘‘

Jessie Buckley talks about her preparation for the role
/ The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
en / 6/18/2019 / 6‘46‘‘

Documentarian Ken Burns on the roots of country music
en / 9/13/2019 / 8‘14‘‘

Jessie Buckley performing "Glasgow"
Jessie Buckley / The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
en / 6/18/2019 / 4‘44‘‘

Zum Kinostart von "Wild Rose"
From Jörg Taszman / Deutschlandfunk Kultur
de / 4‘39‘‘

Movie Datao

Music/Dance, Comedy, Drama
Running time
101 Min.
Original language
ØYour rating7.0/10
IMDB user:
7.1 (16050)
7.4 (24)
5.8 (4) q

Cast & Crewo

Jessie BuckleyRose-Lynn Harlan
Julie WaltersMarion
Sophie OkonedoSusannah


Interview with Jessie Buckley and director Tom Harper
Collider, de , 11‘31‘‘
Jessie Buckley talks about her preparation for the role
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, en , 6‘46‘‘
Documentarian Ken Burns on the roots of country music
CBS, en , 8‘14‘‘
Jessie Buckley performing "Glasgow"
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, en , 4‘44‘‘
Review rogerebert.com
Christy Lemire
Review vulture.com
David Edelstein
Review epd Film
Tim Lindemann
Review Der Tagesspiegel
Simon Rayss
Review La Voix du Nord
Review 20minutes
Caroline Vié
Zum Kinostart von "Wild Rose"
Deutschlandfunk Kultur / de / 4‘39‘‘
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